>mild racism
>>4937>what should I expectdepression
>>4937If you are a beautiful girl, I welcome you and I'll let you stay at my place.
>>4940you don't read do you? apply the internet rules , I am a man. 1.75m of it. I want an Egle in my life , what are the names of the most beautiful lithuanians you have seen?
>>4937Fuck off. Don't steal our women, you manlet.
>>4943There's no stealing if you don't want them in the first place… I have seen how you guys act all stoic and souless, at least 75% of the lithuanians guys I met with a GF where unenthusiastic… is like you all are introverts even with your partners , fucking weird son
>>4937Lack off sunlight, cold weather, people who don't smile and depression which will lead you to drinking and eventually to suicide.
>>4945Look at the state of my country , I'm already in the drinking/depressed state , I doubt a beautiful and modern country like yours would make me feel worse
>>4942>I am a manJust stay where you are. Or go to Sweden or smth.
There are no Egle here, they all emigrated to UR/Germany/Nordic countries.
Also weebs are not welcome.
>>4948>Look at the state of my country >He doesn't understand that, in order to reorganize from capitalist to communist system, country must undergo the temporary crisis.You sure are a normalfag, who wants to have a convenient life here and now.
Because of people like you, many countries are forever stuck in a system which is far from perfect, but fits the current needs of the majorities.
So, my advice is – stay in your fucking country and wait, and eventually you'll live in a technologically strong communist state with powerful economy.
>>4953What the flying fuck, dude you got your independence from a Comunist shit Empire and you want me to live that perpetually? I like social democracy , like normal countries in the EU have but unfortunately my country is ruled by pigs just like you read in Animal Farm by George Orwell, all they care is themselves , their families and robbing to keep the luxery filled lives not to mention they have mafias and cartels running sectors of the country and government itself. I want change , change in my fucking lifetime which means getting the fuck out and I want lithuania because I love your god damn country and your women. I am educated , well mannered and adaptable. I rather be lithuanian by marriage , die by the hands of a racist bigot in the forests of lithuania than to live 10 more years in socialist/communist hell.
>>4951I like sweden but it's known as the cuck country of the EU , also I don't like middle eastern people, their culture is garbage even by Latin American standards… we don't marry children
>>4956just play runescape and sell its gold, you'll be a millionaire at home :^)
>>4956I will spank your ass and piss on your face
>>4956So have you even been here before? Do you like cold weather and darkness? I think it would be better for to move to some richer country for easier life and maybe even better climate
>>4959That ain't my kink friend… also I am straight , you are barking at the wrong tree.
>>4960I know about your country well enough without having visited , as I said had a relationship with a Lithuanian girl, love the language too but seem hard as fuck compared to German. I love cold weather, darkness not so much but hey at least is not darkness by a piece of shit electricity system failing like it does happen here. Your country is rich , I don't like big countries like Germany, France ,UK. Fuck that , I rather work in a small country , contribute to it's growth and live peacefully under it's culture. Life in lithuania (Also pretty much everywhere) is better than my counry but I have been in the US, Canada and 5 nearby countries here in Latin America and is shit to me. US politics and culture is poison to me , Canada is awesome but is like US lite in some terms and every god damn latin american country excepting one (Uruguay , as small as your country btw) is acceptable, but as I said I love your country's history, geography and culture, if I had something I dislike about lithuania is the lack of football but well basketball is just as good for me.
>>4957I am no beggar, neither I am a NEET that gets money by playing vidya. I rather make video games for money. But yeah my country is worse than Zimbabwe , but better be in a state of peace and normality in lithuania than to live as a rich man here in my country
Fuck off we are full
Fuck off they are full
>all these angry virgens
Do whatever you want anon, just don't get your expectations high. I mean it's not Venezuela tier shithole, but it's not some magical place with riches.
>>4962>>4963Fuck off we are full
>>4961Then move to fucking Urugay
>>4973Nope , I rather move to Lithuania, there's no chance communism or socialism will carve your government because your history sure knows what communism and socialism can do, in Uruguay there's not that security.
What the hell are you guys against a Latin American in your country? Other eurocucks are ok like the Italians which are horny garbage, Azerbajanis (Which holy shit are a pile of problems in both education and manners) and Georgians with there extreme corteousness towards women is laughable, all of them are ok but a normal, educated Latin American with a good set of values and a culture shaped by European inmigrants (Spaniards)can't get there and live a normal life with a beautiful Egle?
>>4974How are you planning on getting here?
>>4974Yes you can't we don't need mutts
>>4974None of them are okay. Fuck off.
>>4974>all of them are okWhere did you get that idea from? No.4979
>>4974>Italians which are horny garbageTRIGGERED
>>4979Am I wrong? I don't think so. Because all the lithuanian women who I met and talked to, who were either aquentances of the girl I had something with, family or close friends , all got harrassed (not the PC concept of harrass that the eu has and LGTBQKHD+ people have but the one that includes stalking, unwanted physical contact and verbal toxicity) by Italians and Azerbajani guys , the ones who behaved the best were Georgians (although they are sexual deviants) but every other group of inmigrants there were pretty fucking toxic men aproaching your women…
I don't hate italians truly but it seems they all go to Lithuania wanting to bang because they still think East Europe is in the 90's economy and girls want someone who'll bring stability but are complete assholes (opportunistic whores).
Actually all the lithuanian girls I talked to told me you guys are just too cold , shy to show feelings of warmth and pretty much like the girl to be the one to approach (which is like expecting a bird to land on your shoulder at first encounter).
Also something to add is that your women are CALM, no overly dramatic like everywhere in the American continent, not brainwashed to care 100% 24/7 about their physical traits and they dress so fucking well, I want a lithuanian wife
>>4980Wow you met one whore who's into brown dicks and surprise surprise, all of her friends are experts of brown dick also and now you're profiling the whole country because of this experience
>I want a lithuanian wifeand I want you to fuck off
>>4981ehmmm let me just analize your comment anon.
>You met one whore's into brown dicksWell she liked mine , but if you say she is a whore , she wouldn't be harassed right? she would just go and fuck the guy molesting her because she likes to be objectified and fill with scum cum but that wasn't the case. That was not the case neither for her friends , they felt harassed.
I won't fuck off because whatever opinion you may have about someone just by their skin colour (that sometimes is right) I love your country and I want to be part of it someway or another. I just want one lithuanian , one fish in your lake so chill the fuck out incel and go out and be a lithuanian man they would fuck rather than fuck the Pakistani/Hindi/Azerbajani/Georgian guy.
>>4982Kill yourself shitskin. How can you love a place you have never been to and know about it only from some whore ramblings
>>4974>there's no chance communism or socialism will carve your government And it's a BAD thing!
That's why I hate the political background of my country, because the (((Landsbergis))) destroyed nearly everything which was built there in 50 years - the whole industry, the efficient economic system.
And what we got? The (((western greatness))) – free market with the wild capitalism, which brought the poverty and the oppression of the bourgeoise once again, and even more – started the degradation of our culture through the ((("""uncensored""" mainstream media))).
So, you're lucky – you can live in the initial-stage communist country, and observe the process of your country evolving into great economic power of Latin America, thanks to communism.
>>4982You do know that among the usual club going brown cock sucking thots the difference between "hanging out with" and "being harrassed by" is only whether she finds the guy attractive or not, right?
>I love your country and I want to be part of it someway or another.Great. Stay the fuck out and it will be the best help from you.
>>4937Listen here Paco, just because our country hasn't turned into another "modern" western shithole yet doesn't mean it won't in the future, capitals such as Vilnius already have gay pride parades which are the first signs of degeneracy, i'm sure you know what comes next. EU holds us by the balls and all the shit you see in the West will eventually come to us too, infact they are already trying to push immigration propaganda among the baltic states, then there's the risk of getting re-invaded by russkies once EU dissolves because owning the biggest piece of land globally for them is simply not enough. Living here will be depressing cold and emotionally exhausting for a manlet weeb such as yourself. Not to mention the drunks that lurk at night looking for asses to beat.
The language is among the oldest and hardest to learn, you'll have a hard time picking it up and not everyone here speaks fluent english.
Why do you think so many of Lithuanians migrated to the west since 1990s before it wen't FUBAR?
I want a sexy latina/muslima to bang too but I would only be doing the jew's biding by racemixing and creating ugly mulatto offsprings and this is exactly what the globalist elites want, a low IQ mixed race population that is docile and easy to control, because who will stand for free speech tradition and basic human rights if not the straight white men? Jews are what got your country in the mess that it's in right now and running away like a little bitch from one shithole to another is not going to save it. You coming here like a spineless bastard and shitting it up even more won't help anyone.
Stand with your cousins in Brazil and follow their path because they seem to be the ones in south america finally getting their shit together with the recent elections.
>>4937Listen here Paco, just because our country hasn't turned into another "modern" western shithole yet doesn't mean it won't in the future, capitals such as Vilnius already have gay pride parades which are the first signs of degeneracy, i'm sure you know what comes next. EU holds us by the balls and all the shit you see in the West will eventually come to us too, infact they are already trying to push immigration propaganda among the baltic states, then there's the risk of getting re-invaded by russkies once EU dissolves because owning the biggest piece of land globally for them is simply not enough. Living here will be depressing cold and emotionally exhausting for a manlet weeb such as yourself. Not to mention the drunks that lurk at night looking for asses to beat.
The language is among the oldest and hardest to learn, you'll have a hard time picking it up and not everyone here speaks fluent english.
Why do you think so many of Lithuanians migrated to the west since 1990s before it wen't FUBAR?
I want a sexy latina/muslima to bang too but I would only be doing the jew's biding by racemixing and creating ugly mulatto offsprings and this is exactly what the globalist elites want, a low IQ mixed race population that is docile and easy to control, because who will stand for free speech tradition and basic human rights if not the straight white men? Jews are what got your country in the mess that it's in right now and running away like a little bitch from one shithole to another is not going to save it. You coming here like a spineless bastard and shitting it up even more won't help anyone.
Stand with your cousins in Brazil and follow their path because they seem to be the ones in south america finally getting their shit together with the recent elections.
>>4992>>4991fuckin slow ass servers
>>4992I'm sorry you believe in the superiority of a race when Europe and it's white supremacy from the 15th century until now has been the product of variables that we in the new world never truly had. I don't hate jews I don't hate pretty much any race, and yes even I have a thing against black people/brown people like myself but Education is what separates us from the horde of filth that got to EU countries like Sweden, Germany, Hungary etc. IQ is not only genetics but upbringing is scientifically proven. Giving your vocabulary it seems you have served in the army or you are serving there. Don't hate people whose country is fucked up , religion is fucked up or their culture , educate them not by beating the shit or life out of them, educate by giving them not only the tools but also the repercussions of no following the laws. I agree that degeneracy is going up but there are things shouldn't be counted as degeneracy, homosexuality exists in nature is it bad to go against it? Is it bad to go against something that natural selections does to you in order to not bring offspring? We are in a pretty crowded world and although I want a family shit is going down because we simple are too many and resources are going scarce slowly but surely.
I want my country to be something that perhaps will never be, I want to live a life that isn't "Life in the baltics while being ruled by the USSR" but with almost modern technology. I want a life where I can at least not now but in 20 years , 30 years be an effective piece for the change of my country or if not my own children. What the hell do you see wrong in all of this? Haven't you heard from your grandparents or even your parents how fucked up things were back in the 80's,70's and 60's? Don't you have a little bit of sympathy?
Anyways thanks for your words although full of dispise for people that aren't white and gorgeous like you it has a bit of truth and what you consider absolute truths.
When I get to lithuania or anywhere in Europe by my own means and by having the education to work and build a life there I'll make sure let you all guys know first
>>4996Supremacy wasn't even mentioned in this thread, Señor Ding Dong. The thing is, you'd rather run away instead of working to improve your homeland, the place where you were born, raised and loved. Not only that, you are also insulting our beloved country. You're being hated here not only because you're brown, but more because you're simply a pest, a traitor and a parasite. Nobody owes shit to you just because your country sucks. So once again, fuck off, we're full.
>>4937fuck off we're full
>>4996>I don't hate jews I don't hate pretty much any raceGo back to facebook.